Iced Earth - Scorched Earth

We met about a year ago
   Iced Earth there was
Ice and walls around me
Guards, Protections, Shields
Let no one get near me
Let no one get too close to me

We came together, spent times of wonder
   Iced Earth was warmed
The warmth, the heat, they felt so wonderful
The ice was molten, the walls were razed
No Guards, no Protections, no Shields on my side, anymore
Letting you closer to me than anyone ever before

You quit so suddenly, a fiery blast that came from nowhere
You singed and pierced my most valuable treasure
The one I entrusted to you
You shook my innermost foundations
Throwing me from high above straight into an abyss
Burning everything I had to offer
   Scorched Earth was left behind

The abrupt lack of warmth
Brought back the cold of former days
Ice and walls are reconstructed
Guards, protections, shields are re-erected
Stronger, fiercer, more suspicious than before
   Iced Earth has returned

   Iced Earth´s cold, it hurts
   Scorched Earth´s heat hurts, too.
Which pain is better ?
Which one to prefer ?
Take another risk ?
Remain in safety ?

My current course heads to protection
   Scorched Earth, I desire no more of it
No more unconditional trust
Suspicion, instead, to keep them all at bay
   Iced Earth as a means of safety
One pain to protect me from another – a paradox, it seems

And even if we find a way to be together again
   Iced Earth, a part of it will be hard to overcome
   Scorched Earth is what has to be avoided
The trust of old has been destroyed, it cannot be revived
A trust of new will have to be established, much hard work ahead
Would it be worth the effort, to you ?

(© Sparrowhawk, Dezember/ December 2004)